
Animal Crossing New Horizons April 2022 Update: All the New Events, Fish, Bugs, and Items

Another month, another Animal Crossing: New Horizon update! As fans continue to spend time on their islands, Nintendo is happy to continue to switch things up and add new and exciting content for players to dive into. You’ll come across a whole new selection of fish, bugs, and items as this month comes to a close, and April is on the horizon. However, what is new in this month’s update? What will you be able to find on your island?

Elden Ring Rivers of Blood Build: Stats, Armor, Talismans, and More

One of the most useful skills in Elden Ring is the ability to cause blood loss to enemies. Of all the status effects that players can wield, blood loss is a strong tool that can take powerful foes down in seconds. Many weapons in Elden Ring are designed around inflicting this status, usually with the benefit of additional fire damage. The aptly named Rivers of Blood katana makes full use of this ability, allowing for an easy way to inflict it upon anyone that isn’t outright immune to the status.

How To Redeem Codes In Splitgate?

In 2021, having previously flew under the radar, Splitgate, an arena shooter, burst onto the gaming scene. Recently announcing that 1047 Game’s first person shooter has hit a player count of ten million whilst still in open beta. Originally intended to release in May of 2019, Splitgate consists of Halo-like gunplay and surroundings, mixed with Valve’s Portal movement system. The current release date is unknown as of this moment. Below, is a guide to detail how to redeem in-game codes to access rewards for you, and other players in the world of Splitgate.

Minecraft – How to Attract Bees

Minecraft has gained plenty of new creatures throughout its lifespan. Of the many creatures and animals, bees are a relatively recent addition to the game. Bees can be useful for pollinating various plants in Minecraft. They’re also the main source of honey and honeycombs, making them valuable for players looking to make candles or extra sugar. Because of this, players should learn how to attract bees in order to farm those resources easier.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Multiplayer Guide – How to Play With Friends

Like most RPGs, Baldur’s Gate 3 is more fun with friends. The game supports co-op from the beginning, so you can play through the entire game (or at least the part that’s available right now) with friends. Here’s everything you need to know about Baldur’s Gate 3 multiplayer. You can play with a party of up to four friends just like in Divinity Original Sin 2, with your friends either creating their own custom characters or taking control of one of your AI companions if they join your session in progress.

Best Greataxes in Elden Ring: Top 10 Greataxes Ranked

Players of Elden Ring will find plenty of weapons to battle foes with. Of these weapons, Greataxes make up a fair amount of unique and powerful tools. While players with high Strength will likely make the most use out of this weapon class, quantifying the best Greataxes can be tricky thanks to their versatility. That’s why it’s important to take all attributes of these weapons into consideration, from where they can be found to how well players can wield them.

Elden Ring Meeting Place Map Location: How to Get the Glintstone Key

If you’ve been getting further in Elden Ring, you may have cleared Stormveil Castle and gotten to Liurnia, and are ready for your next Legacy Dungeon.  Liurnia’s featured location for this is the Raya Lucaria Academy, a fortified gothic complex surrounded by a waterlogged town.  To gain access to this esoteric location, you’ll need the Glintstone Key, as indicated by a corpse left outside the Academy gates.  The corpse leaves a map of a Meeting Place where you can retrieve the ey.

Minecraft Frog Guide: Locations, Breeding, Tadpoles, and Everything You Need to Know

Frogs are the newest neutral mob to be added to Minecraft with the Wild update. While they have not hopped their way into the main version of Minecraft, they can currently be found in the Wild update’s snapshot in the launcher. as with any new mob update to Minecraft, there is a lot of new information that has to be learned about them. Where do they spawn, what do they eat, do they drop anything, how do they reproduce?

Destiny 2: How to Play Haunted Sectors for Festival of the Lost

Haunted Sectors are a new addition to Destiny 2 for the Festival of the Lost event, but they’re not available right from the start. Guardians will have to complete a few quest steps for Eva Levante to kick off the event before they can partake in the spooky festivities. Running Haunted Sectors is a major part of this year’s event, so players will spend a lot of time playing through these levels to earn candy and other rewards.

Far Cry 6 Cache Money Guide: How to Get Into Bunker 2

Are you having trouble with the Cache Money Treasure Hunt in Far Cry 6? Far Cry 6 has several Treasure Hunts scattered across Yara that reward players with unique weapons and gear if they manage to solve a puzzle, but Cache Money is one of the trickiest puzzles in the game. This quest requires you to find the confiscated treasure somewhere in Bunker 2, but getting inside the bunker is easier said than done.